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Aims Of The Pre-School

  • To provide a curriculum which caters for each child at his/her own level and helps him/her to develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually. 

  • To encourage each child to feel accepted, loved and approved of in his/her different stages of development and ability. 

  • To promote each child’s self-confidence by making them aware of their own talents, skills and abilities.

  • To provide an inclusive environment where children learn to co-operate, share, accept and appreciate each other regardless of race, religion, culture, gender or impairment. 

  • To help each chid through the medium of play to develop an enquiring mind and a love of learning, while building on his/her past experiences. 

  • To help each child to develop an awareness of their immediate environment and respect for each other, to promote good manners and respect for other people’s property.

  • To give children a safe and stimulating place to play where they can be challenged to use their initiative and imagination.

  • To provide opportunities, with assistance from skilful adults, for children to extend their thoughts and feelings.

  • To work in partnership with parents to create an environment of mutual trust and feeling of security for the children.

  • To liaise with other agencies and avail of all training opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge of staff in implementing the curriculum and caring for the children. 

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